Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, Monday!

Yesterday was SuperBowl Sunday. Good job to the Green Bay Packers for exceeding my expectations and beating the Steelers. I'm not a fan of the Pack,but if I had to choose, I'll take the NFC over the AFC any day.

So, what is the purpose of my blog you ask? I suppose it's like most other personal blogs: A combination of my personal thoughts on things, recipes, everyday happenings and maybe the odd tip about saving money. But really, this is me we're talking about, so who knows. ;) I guess we'll start with a smattering of everything and weed out what's not interesteng.

I have two tips for you today.

1) If you have a dog with a lot of fur, invest in a grooming tool that you can attach to your vacuum!! Really, I did this this weekend, and it is the best thing I've ever done. For those of you that don't know Ripley, she's a 6 1/2yo Lab that is in remission from Lymphosarcoma. She's still taking Prednisone everyother day, so she eats like food is going out of style. She also sheds. Now labs will do that, but I think Ripley is taking this to a whole new level! She's afraid of the vacuum, so I enlisted Nick's help in holding her while I did the dirty work. It went much better than I would have thought,and I think Ripley actually liked it. She got a brushing and a little bit of a massage to boot. I on the other hand removed what I think was a small poodle from her. And there's still much more hair left to go, but at least it'll help a bit with keeping the fur level down.

2) Not much of a tip, but a word of advice. I have a family of 5,plus a dog. Two of the five are teenage boys. Anyone out there who has a teenager will understand my problem when I say I can't keep food in the house for more than five minutes. These boys are like a swarm of locusts. I have set a food budget for myself, and it's difficult to keep within these limitations. I'm not much of a coupon clipper,but what I do do is go through the localgrocery store flyers every week for the best deals. This week at my local Publix I spent $164 for two weeks ( that doesn't include meat which I buy in bulk at Sam's Club and freeze), and saved $90.90. I also got a $10gift card because I had a coupon for it if I spent over $50. My shopping tactic is a combination of menu planning, and working with the specials and BOGO's. Now, just because I have spaghetti on Monday and chicken on Tuesday, it doesn't mean I stick with that. I write everything out soI have all the ingredients in, and then if I want to change things around and do pork on Monday and spaghetti on Tuesday, I can. I also shop for two weeks at a time and I have no problem going to different stores. I also ask hubby to pick things up for me while he's on base if I can get a better price there. He's in the area, so I might as well make use of it.

Well, that's it for the moment. I read something a while ago that siad a blog post should be short as to keep the readers interest. It didn't say anything about not making multiple posts a day,soI might do that later.

Please leave me a message to let me know what you think or if there's something you'd like to see.:)


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! Our family loves it because they can see the pictures since they're on the East Coast and we're still on the West. LOL Enjoy!
