Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oh that dreaded house cleaning!

I've never found anyone that really enjoys the act of house cleaning itsself, but everyone likes a clean home,right? There are some chores I prefer over others. Running the vacuum doesn't bother me, neither does dusting,making the beds or loading the dishwasher. Most days I don't mind the laundry either. It helps the my laundry room is on the main living level of my house. It's when I get behind in the laundry that I detest it. And don't get me started on unloading the dishwasher.

Sadly, house cleaning isn't a "once and done" job, especially if you have kids.

I'll be the first one to say that I'll never be accused of having the perfect home. I have three kids, a husband and a dog. Ripley leaves fur everywhere, the boys leave school items, shoes and sports equipment all over, and the youngest, well, she's three and has the attention span of a wet noodle. I don't live in one of those horrible places you'd see on Hoarders or Clean House, but it's not a museum either. It's a home though, and it's comfortable.

There are few things I'm uber anal about,and cleaning products are one of those things. I HATE wipes! IMO, cleaning wipes don't work for beans. I have red hair,and it falls out on a regular basis. In that respect,I'm like the dog. Ha, ha! Have you ever tried to clean toothpaste, soap and hair from a sink with a wipe? Yeah, they're not made for families. My commercial cleaning product of choice is Greased Lightning. For places where vinegar and water won't cut it, this is the stuff!! I use pledge on my wood, and Febreeze on my fabrics.

I have two books that I refer to regularly. One is Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson. It's not my favorite as she comes across a someone that doesn't like pets or children,but the tips and ideas for cleaning are good. It's also helped me be more organized in my housekeeping. She suggests that you pick certain days for certain things ( IE: Sheets on Monday, carpets on Tuesday,and so on), and that has made me feel like I'm making the most of my days.

Book two is The Cleaning Bible: Kim and Aggie's' Guide to Modern Household Management by Kim Woodburn and Aggie Mackenzie. You might remember Kim and Aggie as the two flamboyant ladies from the UK in the show How Clean Is Your House? This book is the same idea as Home Comforts, but it has two points of view and is much less formal. If I had to choose, this is my favorite.

Let me leave you with a couple of quick tips:

1) Got an ink stain on your carpet? Soak a paper towel with rubbing alcohol ( the higher the percent, the better. And no, that bottle of Chardonnay is not going to work),and dab on the stain. Once the ink stop transferring to the paper towel, get a new one, again wet with rubbing alcohol, and leave on the stain until the ink comes up.

2) Garbage disposal smelling funny? Pour baking soda down the drain,then add in white vinegar. Not only will it get rid of smells and disinfect, but it's great fun to watch! After that, if you want something fresh smelling, grind a lemon, lime or orange rind in there.

So, that's it for now. Enjoy your day,and happy house keeping.:)


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